Don’t want to log long hours? Or want to earn some extra money over your basic salary, which no matter at what level one is at their professional hierarchy, the pay always seem to appear in peanuts. Isn’t it? And working part-time seem to be one of the easiest and quickest solution to earning more money on the side or during a sabbatical. But can you do it legally? Let’s find out!
Part-time jobs are always a subject of doubt in the minds of UAE residents. The visa processes and requirements can be confusing but here are some answers to your general concerns:
1. Can a UAE resident do part-time jobs?
Yes, but only if the said resident has a temporary work permit specifically for part-time jobs that is issued by the Ministry of Labour or Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).
2. Who can work under this scheme?
Any UAE resident (employed or unemployed) above 18 years can start applications for a part-time work permit. Juvenile work permits for youngsters (15 to 18 years of age) can be applied for where parents act as work sponsors. For employed residents, the employer must be registered with MOHRE.
3. Who cannot avail this facility?
A person on visit or tourist visa cannot work part-time legally as he or she would not have a legal sponsor (husband/father/employer) in the country. Even any resident over the age of 65 years cannot get the permit.
4. What would you require?
A No Objection Certificate (NOC) from your full-time employer who is your sponsor and registered under the MOHRE is required for people who are already working in the UAE. For residents sponsored by family, such as father or husband, a NOC from them is required. Your residency should be valid for more than 6 months at the time of application.
5. What would the prospective employer have to submit?
The prospective part-time employer should also issue a NOC ensuring that all parties know the exact work or residency situations of the applicant.
6. Who applies for the work permit?
The prospective employer collects all the NOC statements and applies for the work permit.
7. Does the permit apply to trading or business?
No, any trading and business activity has to go through appropriate channels of licensing and government approvals. This permit only allows residents to work for companies registered under the Ministry of Labour on a part-time or weekend basis.
8. How long is the validity of this permit?
Six months
9. How much does it cost and who bears the cost?
The company (prospective part-time employer) has to bear the cost of application. The application costs Dh100 and the permit costs Dh500, both of which are borne by the employer recruiting the part-time employee. The Tasheel processing fees haven’t been included.
10. Where should I go to get more information?
Kindly address all your queries to the Ministry of Labour, now known as MOHRE. Their website has all the information required and the permits can be applied for online by the prospective employers, or through Tasheel centers.
To read more such informative articles on what you can do in the UAE and what not, amongst others, please visit ANOC